Develop the Specifications Plan

The Spec Plan Defines the Building Specs
for your home construction project. You will need a spec plan to finalize your house plan, negotiate the building project with a contractor, and arrange financing with the lender. The spec plan defines what you are looking for in each room.


Page Topics:

  1. about specification planning
  2. steps in completing the specification plan
  3. about building permits
  4. construction spec sheet
  5. spec budgeting worksheet

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About Specification Planning

The Building Specification Plan defines the design specifications for each room in your home construction project.

It will list the size and type of room, the general layout, the plumbing needs, flooring requirements, type of doors and windows, the landscaping layout of the yard, brand, make, model, color, etc.


Use the FREE specification sheet to note your design and materials specs:

download the FREE project specifications plan


You can present the spec sheet to a home building contractor when bidding out the project. The following is the spec planning for each section of your home construction project:


Plan A: Home Style Plan K: Exterior Home
Plan B: Lot Excavation Plan L: Walls, Ceilings
Plan C: Foundation Plan M: Kitchen, Bath
Plan D: House Framing Plan N: Cleaning Closet
Plan E: Roofing Plan O: Flooring
Plan F: Doors, Windows Plan P: Lighting
Plan G: Plumbing Plan Q: Other Amenities
Plan H: Electrical Wiring Plan R: Garage, Pathways
Plan I: HVAC Plan S: Landscaping
Plan J: Insulation Plan T: Interior Decor

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Steps in Completing the Specification Plan

First Step:

download our Specification Planning Sheet

Use this form — segmented by room, by area — to note your building specifications.


Second Step:

link to the various spec plans noted above. Each plan will detail the required specifications for your home construction project with links to home product ideas and trends.


Third Step:

take a completed draft of the Specification Sheet to your architect or planner, who will then customize a floor plan or revise an existing plan that meets your specs:

see Step3: house plans


Fourth Step:

use your Specification Sheet and house plans to bid the construction project to contractors.

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About Building Permits

Note that your construction will require permits

It will either be up to you or the contractor to obtain each permit.


Also note that building codes specify how each project should be completed

Local inspectors will ensure that the construction meets code. It will be helpful to understand these codes when assembling your specs.

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Designing Your Specifications

use our FREE spec planning form to design your home construction specs for contractor review and bid:

  • select type of materials
  • select design
  • select extras
  • budget your spec plan
spec planning sheet
spec budgeting worksheet